Well if you wonder why Eppahed missing lately.. it's bcus that...

The kidnapper asked for RM1,000
Please help me to rescue him..Donate me some money..
No! DO NOT CALL THE POLICE! else the kidnapper will shoot him in the head..
(And the police will kill me for making fun of this :P)
ehmmmm.. buy new eppahed lahhh..cheaper than 1000 for sure blekkk
hahahaha.. yea loh
but the shop no more stock edi lah :(
aiyo.... who want to kidnapped lala stuff oh? no value at all.. waste time to kidnapped only
lol eppahed no value is true, but kidnapper wants money only ma.. dun care what 1... :P
wei elvie....how r u ler....need rm 1k...wah
erm...you might as well rob the bank la used that gun...wakaka
lol ya loh ya loh.. faster gimme some money :P
im not the kidnapper lar..where got gun XP
get a new orenj.hed
i will name the orange hed WILLIAM!!! :D
but why WILLIAM? william not orange also
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