Hello, long time no see. haha.. i've been busy 'goyang kaki' at home.. :P no lar, in fact, my bro opened a new chicken rice stall @ Old Klang Road.. so I have to help him out there.. then erm, today is FRIDAY! i know most of u are very happy, so do i :D TODAY, Mr. Ho is going to see his new tattoo on his arm (if he satisfy with the design).. well, im the one who did that design but the tattooist still need to draw and design again (cuz Mr. Ho changed mind...:P)
then, I also do my new tattoo design to show the tattooist lo, cuz hor, last time i went there n see what they've do to my idea.. well, just not what i expected lah.. i did tell them the keywords like, glamor, ornaments..so i said i'll give them some reference.. but then i think i draw out my own better lar.. easier for them to understand..
sorry ya, hand draw 1.. senyek abit.. @@

and the position will be on my back, below the shoulder line..

if got any suggestions can put down in the comments ya.. :)
now let's talk bout what's XXII.. ok probably u tot it's a 'J' instead of an 'I' there..can't help with that 1.. XXII = 22.. 22 is my birthdate, it appears on my ic of cuz.. but my last 4 digits of ic no. also got double 2.. and now im 22 yrs old (before my birthday for this yr la..bocor rahsia edi..damn..)hehe.. and i did my first tattoo when im 22, my 2nd tattoo also is 22 :P ok, why choose roman numeric.. cuz more romantic ma =.=||| ok lame answer.. what if i say Mr Ho's 2nd tattoo also roman numeric? errrr.. im crazy bout him? OKAY i dunno the answer! i just wan my tattoo to look glamor and a lil bit of gothic! @_@
hopefully it'll turn out nice on my back lo...hmm im worried..
woooo the design reminds me of those i usually see from levis. very nice and so now i know ler what 22 means.
woooo so nice go help your bro, i thought everyday also sleep like there's no tmr :)
woooo say me nice pulak.. wan to eat free CSF ah? :P heheh..
ya loh now u know what i mean by 22.. 22 also my golden age joining SO and met (all of) u.. :D
levis ke.... reminds me of my missing jeans from aussie!!! argh!
elvie means...(WillaZz Translation!)
ya loh now u know what i mean by 22..(im getting old satkuru,faster marry me) 22 also my golden age joining SO and met u.. :D
hey willazz!! ><|||
ur translation so wrong 1... hahah..
like that oso can..
but willazz is correct wor.. :P :P :P
hi5!!!!!!!!!!!!! woohooO!!
angel >> i piak piak u with my slimy gamat tail then u know.. lol
willazz >> hi5 samo! ><"
satkuru >> chair both of them pls...
chair chair chair, lol
yay thank you satkuru :X
now only i saw your tattoo design. looks very cool!
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