I was lepaking in the Rock Corner, then i heard they were playing "Close to you". Then the next song (forgot what song liao) i like also! so ask Mr. Ho help me to download lah :heehee: but hor, as usual lar he din download for me =.= then after few days, he said since im so good girl (i helped him to fix his dreadlock) so he'll gimme a surprise. (Note: he told me this a day before) Of cuz im curious lah what surprise will it be.. haha.. but didn't expect that he'll buy me this CD lo.. XD the title is very meaningful lar..hehe maybe he means that he wants to give me a "piece of love"? anyway, after shoot some photos, i played the CD lo.. yeah it consists 2 CDs.. it says "2CD FOR THE PRICE OF 1"..the bonus CD is all music box songs a..when i play the bonus CD then kena complain edi.. he said "what the heck music is it.. not nice lah!" blehzz... fine! i'll listen with my ipod :P
so good one mr ho :P i do any favour also ppl give bread and milo only -_-"
bread and milo???? tak phaham..
emm then u wan teh tarik and char siew bao?
okok serius, depend on what favour u gave and to who u gave it to lar.. if u gimme then i give u .....errr wut u wan? :) give u 1 smile :D
rofl~~~~~~~ at your comments~
lol. funny lah that mr. ho
hahaha :D
yea loh
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